A key part of electrical power distribution is bus duct. Also called busway, bus duct provides an alternative means of conducting electricity. Bus duct is used in commercial and industrial settings to conduct electricity to power cables or cable bus. Structurally, a bus duct is a sheet metal duct containing either aluminum or copper busbars (metallic strips or bars that conduct a substantial electrical current) in a grounded metal enclosure. Bus duct is easy to maintain and flexible, helping to accommodate changing load requirements. According to Electrical Construction & Maintenance Magazine, an online resource for the electrical design and maintenance industry, busway was first introduced in 1932 for use in the automotive industry. Since then this product has grown and now serves many other industries.
When ordering bus duct for a specific application, it’s imperative that you plan ahead. EC&M recommends paying particular attention to dimensions. Note any bends, columns, floor elevation changes or other route information. Develop sketches of the route the bus duct must follow. The manufacturer can use this information to develop final layout drawings. For any uncomplicated installations, standard bus duct can be ordered from the inventory stock.
Top-quality electrical gear is incredibly important for the safety of both the electricians installing it and the personnel working in the building where it’s used. Current Midwest has a large inventory of bus duct and plugs, both current and obsolete models, as well as reconditioned used products. We supply products manufactured by Square D, ITE, Bulldog, GE, Cutler-Hammer and Siemens. Any used bus duct or plug we offer has been thoroughly reconditioned by our highly-trained staff; all of our reconditioned equipment comes in http://gecpl.org/ .